Author: admin
Central Library As Seen in the New Yorker
The Central Library is featured in the current edition of the New Yorker. It’s an Illuminating piece about a worksite for many 2822 members. Also of note is Hennepin County […]
The results are in and will be ratified at a meeting on the evening of May 15. Any paying member of 2822 can attend the meeting. Here are the race […]
Rebuttal to May 1st 2822 Executive Board Email
The AFSCME 2822 Executive Board put out an email on May 1 asking dues paying members to tell the AFCME 5 state council to prioritize a few over the many. […]
Have You Voted Yet?
Get your own “I Voted” and show your support for a better 2822! Download the image, print it, cut it out, and color it The possibilities are endless. Ballots need […]
Why I’m running by Brian
Hi, I’m Brian Madigan, and I’m running for President of AFSCME 2822. The current President of our local union no longer labors alongside the workers whose dues pay her salary. […]